Body types
Different body types
Hey beauty! Yes, I'm talking to you girl.
I'm pretty sure most of the girls are always insecure about their body and trying to loose or gain weight, gain some muscles, lose some belly fat... And so on, you know how the story ends.
Every girl has another body type and length, that's why you should never compare your body with another girl. You should feel confident in your own skin even though it's not always easy when you see those models and celebrities on social media. They're not perfect, but social media makes us believe so and that's actually their job.
But let me tell you one thing " YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL JUST THE WAY YOU ARE!" Did you even know that there are actually thin girls out there that are jealous of your beautiful curves? Same goes for the thin girls, there are girls out there jealous of your flat belly and sexy thin legs.
I'll write a blog on these things later, promise.
Now lets get to the point. Which body type are you?
Are you the type that gains fast a bubble belly or H-U-G-E legs? Well yea, don't worry there are millions of girls around the world with the same "problem".
Did you even know that there are actually "only" 3 typical kind of bodies?
The first one is ECTOMORPH

Ectomorphs tend to have fragile, delicately built bodies and find it difficult to gain weight or add muscle. Supermodels, ballerinas and basketball players most commonly fall into this group.
- Skinny
- Small joints/ boned
- Long arms and legs
- Linear physique
- Small shoulders
- Lightly muscled
- Small chest and buttocks
- Low body fat
- Can eat anything they like without weight gain
- Fast and efficient metabolism
- Difficulty in gaining muscle mass
Secondly the MESOMORPH

- Naturally lean
- Naturally muscular
- Naturally strong
- Medium size joints/ bones
- Wider at the shoulders than the hips – chest dominates over abdominal area
- Broad/ square shoulders
- Female mesomorph: defined hourglass figure
- Efficient metabolism
- Gaining muscle is almost effortless
- Losing fat is almost effortless
- Responds quickly to exercise
Third and last one ENDOMORPH
Endomorphs tend to struggle with their weight, gaining weight easily and losing weight with difficulty. Female endomorphs are soft and curvaceous, and have a very feminine body shape.
If you have trouble losing weight despite your best efforts, chances are you’re an endomorph. Below you’ll find some of the endomorph’s main characteristics.
- Naturally chubby
- Round, soft physique
- Shapely
- Short neck
- Tapered limbs
- Long trunk
- Prominent thighs and/ or upper arms
- Limbs can appear short (until weight loss)
- Wide bone structure
- High levels of body fat (may be overweight)
- Underdeveloped muscles (until exercise)
- Poor muscle definition
- Muscles hidden under layer of subcutaneous fat
- Strong bones
- Medium jointed/ boned
- Maintains higher weight/ BMI range
- Good posture
- Prone to knee and feet problems
- Low center of gravity

Okaaaaaay. That was a long blog post. Hope you found out which type you are! Comment your type below please
If you would like some tips on how you can lose weight according to your body type please send me on instagram: hushfashionrush or you can send me on facebook: roeroe El Sayyid.
I'm a mesomorph btw... :D ( would rather be an ectomorph because you know, FOOD IS LIFE)
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